One-month cap on advance rent payments in Renters' Rights Bill amendment
A one-month cap on advance rent payments was added to the Renters' Right Bill at its Report Stage in the House of Commons.
The Renters' Right Bill has had its third reading and has had an additional clause added. MPs voted for a one-month cap on advance rent payments in England to be added to the bill.
The Government's housing minister, Matthew Pennycook confirmed the addition of a clause to stop landlords making upfront charges in the Commons on Tuesday (14th January).
Matthew Pennycook said that the government wanted to stop demands for "large rent-in-advance payments", which he said could sometimes amount to 12 months of rent.
Tenants who were "perfectly able to afford the monthly rent" were being asked to give landlords "ever larger sums" in advance, he said, or "risk being locked out of renting altogether".
The new clause will be added to existing measures contained in the bill aimed at stopping bidding wars for properties where "often desperate tenants are pitted against each other so that landlords are able to extract the highest possible payment they can".
The Renters' Rights Bill was supported by the majority of MPs at its third reading and will now pass to the House of Lords as it heads ever closer to becoming law.
Renters' Rights Bill compliance consultation
We are offering a free, no obligation Compliance Consultation to help landlords ensure that they're fully compliant with both the existing requirements and the new requirements contained in the Renters' Rights Bill. If we do identify any gaps in compliance, we will help landlords to put an action plan into place to help ensure you aren't exposed to any potential financial penalties. To arrange yours, call us on 0161 511 5339 or complete our contact form.